Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Radish Seeds

  • likes the sun but needs cool weather
  • expect seed to germinate in about 4 days
  • seed matures in approximately 21-30 days
  • preffered temp: 45-85 F
  • very small, round reddish brown seed


  1. -will grow in average soil
    -responds well to rich, well-drained soil
    -soil should be free of stones, clods, lumps, and undecayed organic materials

  2. -Germination is the process in which a plant or fungus emerges from a seed or spore and begins growth.

    -When exposed to light, organic radish seeds sprouts turn light green with chlorophyll.

    -Organic Radish Seeds sprouts well with other seeds and make a spicy addition to any vegetable dish.

    -Radish seeds germinate in a matter of days.

    -Like other vegetables, they will respond to rich, well-drained soil.
